german thrash metal
Albums scraped2021-12-05T14:36:14.185Z
Last updated2021-12-12T00:41:50.218Z
Released at
28Destruction - Sentence of Death1984-09-03
77Sodom - In the Sign of Evil1985-01
90Destruction - Infernal Overkill1985-05-24
88Kreator - Endless Pain1985-10
17Destruction - Infernal Overkill/Sentence of Death1985
99Kreator - Pleasure To Kill1986-04
44Destruction - Eternal Devastation1986-07-12
64Exumer - Possessed By Fire1986-11-08
7Destruction - Mad Butcher1986
60Exumer - Rising From the Sea1987-07-21
87Deathrow - Raging Steel1987-09-01
19Kreator - Terrible Certainty1987-09-22
47Destruction - Release From Agony1987-12-01
95Sodom - Persecution Mania1987-12-01
45Tankard - Chemical Invasion1987
72Vendetta - Go And Live... Stay And Die1987
83Mekong Delta - The Music of Erich Zann1988-01-29
13Sodom - In the Sign of Evil + Obsessed by Cruelty1988
21Despair - History Of Hate1988
69Tankard - The Morning After1988
79Battlefield - We Come To Fight1988
84Grinder - Dawn For The Living1988
94Assassin - Interstellar Experience1988
76Protector - Urm the Mad1989-08
4Kreator - Endless Pain (Bonus Track Edition)1989-09
71Tankard - Alien1989
27Destruction - Cracked Brain1990-06-01
78Sodom - Better Off Dead1990-10-01
53Kreator - Coma of Souls1990-11-06
81Death In Action - Just for Our Sake1990
82Tankard - The Meaning of Life1990
1Sodom - The Final Signs Of Evil1991
91Sodom - The Saw Is The Law (EP)1991
89Sodom - Tapping the Vein1992-08-01
75Kreator - Renewal1992-10-26
22Tankard - Stone Cold Sober1992
59Sodom - Get What You Deserve1994-01-01
31Tankard - Two-Faced1994
48Sodom - Masquerade in Blood1995-06-01
52Kreator - Cause For Conflict1995-07
58Tankard - The Tankard1995
73Dew-Scented - Immortelle1996
56Sodom - 'til Death Do Us Unite1997-02-24
42Kreator - Outcast1997-07-22
43Tankard - Disco Destroyer1998-03-12
8Destruction - The Least Successful Human Cannonball1998
54Dew-Scented - Innoscent1998
86Kreator - Endorama1999-03-29
46Sodom - Code Red1999-05-31
26Dew-Scented - Ill-Natured1999
29Witchburner - Blasphemic Assault1999
65Destruction - All Hell Breaks Loose2000-04-25
16Tankard - Kings Of Beer2000-05-17
93Destruction - The Antichrist2001-08-27
68Sodom - M-162001-10-22
15Dew-Scented - Inwards2002-01-14
9Tankard - B-Day2002-07-10
98Dew-Scented - Impact2003-08-25
41Destruction - Metal Discharge2003-09-22
66Kreator - At The Pulse Of Kapitulation2003
30Tankard - Beast Of Bourbon2004-02
40Delirium Tremens - Thrashing Warthogs2004
85UnscareD - Mosh Attack2004
50Dew-Scented - Issue VI2005-05-20
80Destruction - Inventor Of Evil2005-08-22
24Tankard - The Beauty And The Beer2006-04
57Sodom - 'Til Death Do Us Unite - Remastered 20062006
55Dew-Scented - Incinerate2007-03-21
32Victimizer - The Final Assault2007-08
3Sodom - The Final Sign Of Evil2007-09-28
92Thirteen Wars - Fire At Will2008-06
37Destruction - D.e.v.o.l.u.t.i.o.n.2008-07
12Tankard - Thirst2008-11
11Tankard - B - Day2008
62Kreator - Hordes of Chaos2009-01-13
35Ketzer - Satan's Boundaries Unchained2009-09-15
70Dew-Scented - Invocation2010-05-24
5Sodom - In War and Pieces2010-11-19
100Pessimist - Call to War2010-12-10
10Tankard - Vol(l)ume 142010-12-17
38Destruction - Day Of Reckoning2011-02-18
14Exumer - Fire & Damnation2012-04-06
67Tankard - A Girl Called Cerveza2012-07-25
34Dew-Scented - Icarus2012-07-30
36Destruction - Spiritual Genocide2012-11-23
33Pessimist - Death from Above2013-03-23
49Sodom - Epitome Of Torture2013-04-26
51Tankard - R.I.B.2014-06-20
63Dew-Scented - Intermination2015-06-12
25Exumer - The Raging Tides2016-01-29
23Destruction - Under Attack2016
6Kreator - Gods Of Violence2017-01-27
61Tankard - One Foot In The Grave2017-06-02
74Tankard - Stone Cold Sober (Bonus Track Edition)2017-06-02
96Vulture - The Guillotine2017-08-25
18Tankard - Two - Faced2018-01-26
20Tankard - Two Faced2018-01-26
39Kreator - Cause For Conflict/Digi-Pak2018-02-23
97Messerschmitt - Consumed By Fire2020-05-23
2Sodom - Decision Day2020-11-27